Tim Bovey Tim Bovey

New Work Wednesday

After Santi. Tim Bovey. Colored pencil, 9” x 12”

Hi, here’s this week’s image for New Work Wednesday. Please explore the rest of my website and fill out the contact form or email info@timbovey.com with any questions. Thanks for your support!


Copyright 2024 Tim Bovey.

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Tim Bovey Tim Bovey

Throwback Thursday

After Michelangelo. Tim Bovey. Charcoal, 9" x 12"

Here’s this week’s #TBT image. Please explore the rest of my website. You can reach me with questions by filling out the contact form or through email at info@timbovey.com

Thanks for your support!

#TBT #ThrowbackThursday

Copyright 2024 Tim Bovey.

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Tim Bovey Tim Bovey

New Work Wednesday


After Hopper. Tim Bovey. Charcoal pencil, 9" x 12"

Here’s the image for this week’s New Work Wednesday. Please check out the rest of my website. New work is posted regularly. If you have any questions you can fill out the contact form or email info@timbovey.com

Thanks for your support!


Copyright 2024 Tim Bovey.

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Tim Bovey Tim Bovey

My work will be featured at Terrain 15

Image courtesy of Terrain

Hello everyone, I’m excited to announce that I have 2 art pieces selected to be shown at the annual juried multimedia art and music event, Terrain 15.

The show opens on Friday, October 4th, 314 W. Riverside, 5pm-12am. It’ll be a great show. In addition to all of the artwork, there will be musical line-ups, food trucks, live performances, and photo booths!

I have participated in the Terrain annual art show previously and am honored to be chosen again! Thank you to Terrain and all of the people that organized the event.

Please explore the rest of my website. Thanks for your support!

#WeAllBuildThis #Terrain #Terrain15 #TerrainSpokane

Copyright 2024 Tim Bovey.

Terrain 15, Spokane, 2024 with artwork on display (lower right)

Terrain 15, Spokane, 2024 with artwork on display (center right)

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Tim Bovey Tim Bovey

Throwback Thursday

After Manet. Tim Bovey. Graphite, 6" x 9"

Here’s this week’s #TBT image. Please check out the rest of my website. If you have any questions you can fill out the form in the contact section or email me at info@timbovey.com Thanks for the support!

#TBT #ThrowbackThursday

Copyright 2024 Tim Bovey.

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Tim Bovey Tim Bovey

New Work Wednesday


After Hopper. Tim Bovey. Colored pencil, 9" x 12"

Here’s this week’s image for New Work Wednesday. Please explore the rest of my website. You can reach me by going to the contact section or email me at info@timbovey.com Thanks for your support!


Copyright 2024 Tim Bovey.

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Tim Bovey Tim Bovey

Throwback Thursday

Son. Tim Bovey. Watercolor pencil, 6" x 9"

Here’s this week’s Throwback Thursday image. This was a personal project drawing of my son from life. Please check out the rest of my website to view more of my work. You can reach me by filling out the contact form or emailing me at info@timbovey.com

#TBT #ThrowbackThursday

Copyright 2024 Tim Bovey.

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Tim Bovey Tim Bovey

New Work Wednesday

After Hopper. Tim Bovey. Colored pencil, 9" x 12"

Here’s my selection for this week’s New Work Wednesday. What a great relaxed, comfortable pose. Please check out the rest of my website. You can reach me by filling out the contact form or emailing me at info@timbovey.com

Thanks for your support!


Copyright 2024 Tim Bovey.

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Tim Bovey Tim Bovey

Throwback Thursday


After Rubens. Tim Bovey. Charcoal and pastels on paper, 18" x 24"

Here’s this week #TBT image, from my later student days. Thanks for your support! Remember to follow my social media channels (links below), and check out the rest of my website. You can reach me by filling out the form in the contact section or emailing me at info@timbovey.com

#TBT #ThrowbackThursday

Copyright 2024 Tim Bovey.

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Tim Bovey Tim Bovey

New Work Wednesday

After Sargent. Tim Bovey. Graphite, 9" x 12"

Happy Wednesday! Here’s the new work selection for this week. I hope you enjoy. Thanks for your support! Remember to follow my social media channels (links below), and check out the rest of my website. You can reach me by filling out the form in the contact section or emailing me at info@timbovey.com


Copyright 2024 Tim Bovey.

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Tim Bovey Tim Bovey

Broad Strokes: 15 Women Who Made Art and Made History (in That Order) by Bridget Quinn

Artemesia Gentileschi

This book is a good overview about phenomenal artists and spans a wide range of years in art history, from 1600 to present day. There’s something for everyone. Each chapter is devoted to a short but detailed and thorough narrative about the artist and their lives. Some of the artists included were Artemisia Gentileschi, Judith Leyster, Rosa Bonheur, and more.

Overall, I’d recommend this book. It is a very important part of art history. I enjoyed learning about their fascinating and sometimes difficult journeys. There have been many skilled and talented artists, many of whom are included in this book, and they are sadly under-represented.

Please explore the rest of my website and follow me on social media (links below). If you have questions you can contact me by filling out the form on the contact section or at info@timbovey.com

#BridgetQuinn #BroadStrokes #ArtemisiaGentileschi #JudithLeyster #Rosa Bonheur

Copyright 2024 Tim Bovey.

Judith Leyster

Rosa Bonheur

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Tim Bovey Tim Bovey

Throwback Thursday

Daughter. Tim Bovey. Acrylic, 8" x 10"

This week’s image is a painting of my daughter from life. Please check out the rest of my website. If you have any questions you can reach me at info@timbovey.com or fill out the form on the contact page. Remember to follow me on social media (links can be found at the bottom of each section on my website). Thanks for your support!

#TBT #ThrowbackThursday

Copyright 2024 Tim Bovey.

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Tim Bovey Tim Bovey

New Work Wednesday

After Vibert. Tim Bovey. Colored pencil, 9” x 12”.

Hello, again, I’m happy to announce another first for my website, a new blog post called New Work Wednesdays. Every 2 weeks, on Wednesdays, I’ll pick one piece from my selected new artwork to post on my blog with a short caption and perhaps a quick note about it. These images will be previewed here, before they are added to my website. I hope you enjoy and please explore the rest of my website and follow me on all my social media channels (links below each page). If you have any questions please contact me at info@timbovey.com or fill out the form in the contact section. Thanks for your support!


Copyright 2024 Tim Bovey

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Tim Bovey Tim Bovey

Throwback Thursday

Niece. Tim Bovey. Graphite, 8" x 10"

Hi, here is the TBT image for a personal project. I hope you enjoy! Please check out the rest of my website. If you have any questions you can reach me at info@timbovey.com or fill out the form on the contact page. Remember to follow me on social media (links can be found at the bottom of the pages on my website).

Also check out a new blog series starting next week called New Work Wednesdays. I’ll be previewing selected new work on that blog, before it’s featured on the website, and it will post every 2 weeks on Wednesdays. Thanks for your support!

#LifeDrawing #TBT #ThrowbackThursday

Copyright 2024 Tim Bovey.

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Tim Bovey Tim Bovey

Throwback Thursday

Seated figure. Tim Bovey. Ink wash, 18" x 24"

I hope you enjoy my Throwback Thursday post today! This was quick study from life from my student days at PNCA. Ink is an unforgiving medium but I was able to keep it fluid and captured the nature of the pose. Please check out the rest of my website and also the archive section, where you can view a lot of my older artwork. If you have any questions, please reach out through the contact section and fill out the form or email me at info@timbovey.com.

#TBT #GestureDrawings #FigureStudy #PNCA #PacificNorthwestCollegeOfArt

Copyright 2024 Tim Bovey.

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Tim Bovey Tim Bovey

“All the Beauty in the World: The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Me” by Patrick Bringley

Johannes Vermeer 1665-1667

I found this book and didn’t know what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised. This book charts the journey of the the author after he experienced the loss of his brother, due to cancer. He then took a job as a security guard at the Met Museum and worked there for 10 years. His views on the interactions of the museum-goers and the inner workings of the museum/operations logistics pulled back the curtain and made you see it indifferent light, in a good way. If you’ve ever wondered what a day in the life of a security guard at the Met would be like, (and I have), this book is for you.

He had great admiration and respect for his brother and devotes the first part of the book talking about their life together and leading up to his unfortunate battle with cancer. As a family, they had visited the Met many times growing up and he always admired the museum and spending time with his mother and brother here. The author then goes on to talk about when he first was hired by the Met, what the shifts were like, people watching, how the museum events/functions played out. He also talks about all kinds of art he experienced during his shifts, people’s reactions to them, and everything in between. The author is very observant of his surroundings and his anecdotes about his co-workers, patrons, the art hung on the walls, and everything else are worth the read alone. This is a great read and I would recommend i! It makes me want to go back to the Met again! The experience of visiting the Metropolitan is something you’ll never forget and I’m grateful I was able to experience it.

I hope you enjoyed the blog. Please check out the rest of my website. New images are added regularly. You can reach me with questions at info@timbovey.com or fill out the contact form. Please sign-up for my email newsletter on the newsletter tab. Thanks for your support!

#Met #MetropolitanMusemOfArt #PatrickBringley #AllTheBeautyInTheWorld #Vermeer #Rembrandt #Degas

Copyright 2024 Tim Bovey.

Rembrandt Van Rijn 1660

Edgar Degas 1874

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Tim Bovey Tim Bovey

Throwback Thursday

Standing figure. Tim Bovey. Compressed charcoal, 8" x 10"

Happy Fourth of July!

Hello all, I wanted to share some exciting news!

Two times per month on Thursdays, I’ll be posting one image of my old artwork from the “vault.” This drawing is a quick value gesture study from life, probably 5-10 minutes, with compressed charcoal from my student days at PNCA. I love the energy, movement, relaxed expression of the pose and quick suggestion of light and darks! I’ve always thought it’s important to look back at your early work and appreciate the merits, honor the struggles, and document the journey. It also gives the new work some context.

These blog posts may include a short blurb about the work and also include student work, gesture drawings, paintings, studies, and graphic design work. I hope you enjoy! You can view more of my older artwork in the archive section. More images being added regularly, so check back often. Check out the rest of my website and sign-up for my monthly email newsletter on the newsletter tab to keep up with all the latest! Thanks for your support. Look for the next Throwback Thursday on 7/18!

#TBT #ThrowbackThursday #PNCA #PacificNorthwestCollegeOfArt #GestureDrawings

Copyright 2024 Tim Bovey.

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Tim Bovey Tim Bovey

“In Montmartre: Picasso, Matisse and the Birth of Modernist Art.” Sue Roe 

Montmartre, Le Bateau-Lavoir, c. 1910. Residence and meeting place for a group of outstanding early 20th-century artists such as Pablo Picasso.

Recently, I re-read a book by one of my favorite authors Sue Roe, “In Montmartre: Picasso, Matisse, and the Birth of Modern Art,” and thought I’d share some thoughts about it. This book was so well-written that it makes the reader feel like they’re sitting at a sidewalk café in Montmartre, Paris right alongside artists and writers as they chat about shop talk and life in the early 1900’s. 

This is not a straightforward biography of Picasso and Matisse, which is why I like it. It’s told in a narrative style and the author relays many stories about their lives in Montmartre in the 1900’s. Essentially, this book charts the Picasso’s move from Spain to Montmartre, Paris around the year 1900. Later Matisse, known as the colorist, would move to Montmartre also. Montmartre was an “arts” district and, at the time, was an impoverished section of Paris where makeshift shacks were common. Among the artists who lived there, also lived many low-paid workers who had brutally demanding jobs. The working conditions were also horrendous at this time, including long hours, very little time off, and debilitatingly low wages. Fun random fact: Wine was tax-free in Montmartre. 

The focus of this book centers on the lifelong, competitive rivalry between Picasso and Henri Matisse. Other artists are also mentioned in the book, as they relate to the story such as: Van Gogh, Andre Derain, Paul Gaugin, Cezanne, Georges Braque, and Henri Rousseau, and others. The author also talks about the origins of cubism, fauvism, and futurism, as they relate to Picasso and Matisse and how those movements play out in relation to the artists who were involved. Societal changes and technological advancements were also taking place at that time, such as the explosion in popularity of cinema and photography, shifting away from the racy, live, dance-hall cabaret shows such as Moulin Rouge, although these were still popular also. 

I’d recommend this book if you like art history, Picasso, Matisse and getting a glimpse into what life was like for artists living in Montmartre, Paris in the early 1900’s. It’s quite a fly-on-the-wall situation for the reader and this is a lot of the charm of the book. 

I hope you enjoyed this blog post and please explore the rest of my website. Let me know if you have any questions.

#SueRoe #PabloPicasso #Picasso #HenriMatisse #Matisse #Montmartre #LeBateauLavoir #Paris #Cubism #Fauvism #Futurism #MoulinRouge

Copyright 2024 Tim Bovey.

Henri Matisse, The Musketeer

Montmartre, Paris c. 1915

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Tim Bovey Tim Bovey

"The Last Leonardo: The Secret Lives of the World’s Most Expensive Painting"-Ben Lewis

By Leonardo da Vinci - Getty Images, Public Domain

Recently, I re-read a great book by Ben Lewis and thought I’d write a brief post about it. Enjoy!

This book takes a deep dive into the provenance, conservation, and sale of the newly re-discovered Salvator Mundi painting that some believe was painted, at least in part, by Leonardo DaVinci. The painting depicts a half-length image of Christ. Many claim that the “magic” qualities of Leonardo’s touches are evident in the piece, when they see it in person. On the other hand, more people are not convinced it should be attributed to Leonardo. 

With many detailed accounts from trade insiders, art dealers, art investors/owners, typically in the form of letters, documents, ledgers, and restoration photos, you’ll learn about the restoration practices and procedures as they relate to care and maintenance and eventual sale of this masterpiece. Spoiler alert: The second restoration completed on this painting remains very controversial. Many believe that too much “artistic license” was taken which didn’t do justice to the work of Leonardo and/or his workshop. The reference material was taken from a copy of a workshop painting of a similar time and genre. 

The author does his own thorough analysis of provenance, and I’ll sum it up by saying that when the piece was brought to America it was purchased for $1,775 at a small gallery in Louisiana. Later it was sold at a Christie’s auction for $450 million in 2017, (making it the most expensive painting in history). It was planned to be publicly exhibited at the Louvre in Abu Dhabi, but this never materialized. It is now in storage, most likely in Geneva Switzerland, and has never been shown since the sale. The condition is also poor and is becoming degraded over time and must be kept in a very stringent, climate-controlled environment. 

Essentially, the consensus about the painting from most experts is that the Salvator Mundi was a Leonardo workshop painting and Leonardo painted small portions of it, such as the right hand. However, there is no evidence that it was painted in whole by Leonardo. There is still much debate and controversy over the painting, and it has still not been displayed publicly. 

Overall, I’d recommend the book if you like Leonardo DaVinci, art history, and the commercial art market. It is well-researched and concise in language, but still intriguing and interesting and makes you want to keep reading to find out what unexpected event happens next with this painting and the journeys it takes. 

I hope you enjoyed my blog. If you liked this blog, read my previous review blog about the lost Leonardo documentary on Starz. Please check out the rest of my website. It is updated regularly. 

Source: “The Last Leonardo,” Ben Lewis. 

#TheLastLeonardo #BenLewis #LeonardoDaVinci #LeonardoWorkshop 

Copyright 2024 Tim Bovey. 

By Leonardo da Vinci - Google News, Public Domain-After Cleaning

By Leonardo da Vinci - sfluxe, Public Domain

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Tim Bovey Tim Bovey

Fun Facts: Joseph Mallord William Turner 1775-1853

Joseph Mallord William Turner

In honor of the anniversary of Turner’s birthday in the month of April, let’s get into our fun facts. 

Turner was born in London in 1775. 

He was the only son of William and Mary. 

His mother became mentally unstable and was committed to the Bethlem asylum in 1800 and later died in 1804.

Turner was then sent to live with his mother’s brother. 

Turner’s father remained a devoted supporter of his son’s talent and he also became his studio assistant. 

In 1789, Turner attended the Royal Academy of Arts and worked for Thomas Malton, an architectural draftsman and topographer. 

He exhibited his first watercolor painting in 1790 and first oil in 1796 at the Royal Academy of Art. 

He continued to exhibit his work every year until his death. 

Turner became more involved with the Royal Academy and was appointed as a professor of perspective in 1807. 

He opened his own art gallery on Queen Anne Street in 1804. 

From 1802 to Turner took his first trip abroad and travelled through France and Switzerland, where he also studied at the Louvre. 

In 1817 he travelled through the low countries and also began to travel more frequently on the continent until 1845. 

Between 1819 to 1820, he made his first trip to Italy, where he mostly stayed in Venice and Rome. He later revisited Venice around 1833-1835 and later in 1840. 

He worked for publishers of illustrated books and his illustrations appeared intermittently between 1827-1835. 

Turner became known as a topographical watercolorist, where he sketched from nature. 

He was determined to elevate the genre of landscape painting to a higher level to that of ideal art, closer to historical painting. He experimented with new techniques in watercolor and oils to achieve this goal. 

From about 1798, he maintained a relationship with Sarah Danby and they had 2 children. They never married. 

Following the deaths of many of his friends, he became increasingly pessimistic and sullen.

His gallery also became dilapidated and fell into disrepair. 

Turner began to live in his cottage and was taken care of by his caretaker Mrs. Booth. 

He passed away in 1853 and was buried in St. Paul’s Cathedral, London. 

Source: National Gallery of Art 

I hope you enjoyed these fun facts. Please view the other sections of the website. They are updated regularly, thanks. 

#JosephMallordWilliamTurner #Turner #BritishArtists #SarahDanby #RoyalAcademyOfArt

Copyright 2024 Tim Bovey. 

Joseph Mallord William Turner

Joseph Mallord William Turner

Joseph Mallord William Turner

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